Saturday, 6 January 2018

In my teens and early twenties I had a mild fascination for infrared photography. Back then (in the late sixties early seventies) there was not much infrared film stock available. I could only obtain Kodak Black & White Infrared, but I knew that others were available.

I obtained some film and found that - to my relief It could be processed in normal Kodak chemistry - I had to go out and buy the developer as my normal developer Ilford Ifosol and Persoptol, I was unsure if I could use! So I purchased a packet of Kodak D-76 (yes a packet, it was a powder like many developers then)

Went out and started taking photos - for some reason I concentrated on people - this was the sixties of course and being different was the norm!

This is the kind of results I achieved - Weird but not to my eyes unappealing.

Then I found out that the real use of this medium should be landscapes, trees, woods that sort of thing.

And this was the result, not exactly grabbing your attention is it?
Lacking depth of  contrast and definition, so I gave up.

Then in 1976 after marrying The Redhead, I thought I would have another go - just to see if I had improved my techniques.

The answer as you can see was a triumphant NO. So I really did give up, or so I thought.

Along with digital photography comes digital processing, this can be where a fairly lacklustre photograph can sparkle and shine. And tucked away inside of the free and excellent Color Efex Pro 4 is the ability to produce dramatic and beautiful images.

So back to The Dene, this time after a snowfall and with just an iPhone and some post-processing this is how infrared Photography should look and in glorious COLOUR!!!

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